Ash’s Pikachu has been a constant companion of the protagonist in the Pokémon anime series since its premiere in 1997. Despite being a pre-evolution form of Raichu, Ash’s Pikachu has defeated numerous opponents who are much stronger than it. This has led fans to wonder what exactly makes Ash’s Pikachu so special and overpowered. One […]
Tag Archives: Ash
The Pokémon franchise is known for its plethora of merchandise, but the new “My Pikachu” line of plush toys available exclusively at the Pokémon Center in Japan has caught the attention of fans around the world. The standout feature of these toys is that each Pikachu is individually unique, unlike most plush toys that are […]
Pokémon Horizons’ new villains, known as the Explorers, are a refreshing change from the classic antagonists of the Pokémon franchise. The Explorers are different from Team Rocket in several significant ways. First, they are competent, skilled, and have specific goals with real plans to achieve them. Second, they are not interested in hurting anyone to […]