The second episode of the anime series “Oshi No Ko,” which premiered on April 19, 2023, has garnered widespread acclaim from viewers, with ratings for the show being overwhelmingly positive so far, boasting an impressive score of 9.21 on MyAnimeList. This is a testament to the quality of the show’s suspenseful and dark themes that have left fans eagerly anticipating the upcoming episodes. With the first two episodes of the series now aired, many of the main characters have been introduced and the fans are in awe of them.
However, one character in particular has caught the attention of fans and taken over the internet with their intriguing personality, and that is Aquamarine Hoshino, also known as Aqua. Viewers are curious about Aqua’s intentions, as he vowed to avenge the murder of Ai in the opening episode. Fans have expressed their excitement and anticipation for Aqua’s next move as the series progresses.
Furthermore, some viewers have noted that Aqua’s character in “Oshi no Ko” shares certain similarities with Light Yagami, the protagonist of the popular anime “Death Note.” Both characters possess a certain intelligence and cunningness, and are willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals, even if it means crossing ethical boundaries. While Aqua may not be as extreme as Light in terms of his methods, it is intriguing to see the similarities between the two characters and how they both manage to captivate audiences.
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Raye, Rem, Sachiko, Aizawa, Halle, Hideki