In an interview with IGN during New York Comic Con, Yusei Matsui, the creator of the popular anime and manga series Assassination Classroom, shared his work experiences and insights into the creation of his beloved characters. The series follows a group of junior high school delinquents who must assassinate their teacher, an octopus-like creature named Koro-sensei, in order to save the world. Matsui revealed that he was amazed by the popularity of his work, particularly during an autograph session in New York where fans were wrapped around the block. He was pleased to see that the worries and frustrations of his characters were relatable on a universal level.
When asked about the creation of Koro-sensei, Matsui explained that the character needed to be non-serious-looking in order for students to have fun assassinating him. He repurposed a character design from an old scrapped project, and the rest is history. Matsui was also asked about the English dub of Assassination Classroom and expressed his amazement at how similar the dub actors sounded to the original Japanese, as well as his happiness with the passionate and faithful adaptation.
As for what’s next for Matsui and the Assassination Classroom kids, the creator remained tight-lipped but hinted at possible future projects. Fans can only wait with bated breath to see what the imaginative mind of Yusei Matsui has in store.
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