My Hero Academia is an ongoing anime series that has gained widespread popularity for its action-packed storyline and compelling characters. The sixth season of the show has already garnered attention from fans with its introduction of Lady Nagant, a former Pro Hero turned villainess, and her unique quirks that include the ability to generate a sniper rifle out of her arm and turn her hair into different types of bullets.
The English dub for the show’s sixth season has found its Lady Nagant, as announced by Crunchyroll. The role will be played by Erica Lindbeck, a talented voice actress who has previously lent her voice to many high-profile anime characters such as Daki in Demon Slayer and Futaba Sakura in Persona 5: The Animation.
My Hero Academia began as a manga series in 2014, written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi. It was later adapted into an anime television series that first premiered in 2016. The series has since become a fan-favorite and has attracted a large following of viewers worldwide. All 130 episodes of the show are available to stream on Crunchyroll for those who are looking to catch up on the action. The sixth season of the show adapted the “Paranormal Liberation War” arc from the original manga, which features an intense all-out war between the heroes and villains of the series.
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