Haikyuu!! is a beloved Japanese sports manga and anime that has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world. The manga was written and illustrated by Haruichi Furudate and made its debut in the Weekly Shōnen Jump in 2012. It concluded its eight-year run in 2020, after having sold over 50 million copies worldwide.
The anime adaptation of Haikyuu!! has also been a tremendous success, gaining a similar level of critical acclaim and popularity as the manga. The anime has helped introduce the story to an even wider audience and has cemented the franchise’s place in popular culture. The show’s theme song has even been used during the volleyball event at the Tokyo Olympics, demonstrating its widespread appeal.
With the manga now over, fans can still turn to the anime to continue enjoying the story. The anime has yet to conclude, so fans can look forward to more episodes and continued opportunities to follow the characters they have grown to love.
Haikyuu!! has been praised for its engaging story, likable characters, and attention to detail when it comes to volleyball. It has helped many fans appreciate the sport in a new way and has inspired many to take up volleyball themselves. Overall, Haikyuu!! has left a lasting impact on the world of anime and sports culture.
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Shimizu, Yachi, Takeda, Keishin, Ikkei, Michimiya