Jujutsu Kaisen is a popular dark fantasy shonen manga series created by Gege Akutami. The latest chapter, Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 217, has just been released, and it has taken fans by surprise with its out-of-pocket revelations. The chapter is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and it will leave fans both enthralled and confused.
The chapter starts with a conversation between Yorozu and Sukuna, in which Yorozu shows a glimpse of yandere tendencies toward the calm and collected Sukuna. The conversation quickly turns into a fight, and while Yorozu cannot win, in her mind, this is the ultimate act of love, and she’s willing to do anything for a special someone.
As the chapter progresses, readers are given a strange emotional shift, an intense battle, a marriage proposal, and even cannibalism. The sudden emotional changes and lack of buildup to such a revelation is laced with dark comedy, which will leave fans chuckling in confusion as to how out of pocket the chapter is. The disturbing themes of cannibalism are even told in the form of a haiku by Yorozu.
Despite its unpredictable plot progression, the chapter is still enjoyable to read. The English translation of the chapter handles complicated dialogue, like Yorozu’s haiku, incredibly well. The art is equally strong, as expected of Gege Akutami.
However, some fans might be divided on the chapter, as the plot progression feels unfocused. Perhaps this is intentional, given how unhinged Yorozu is meant to be, but a stronger buildup to the insanity would have been appreciated. Nevertheless, there is never a dull moment when it comes to Jujutsu Kaisen, and this chapter is no exception.
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Yuki Tsukumo,Master Tengen,Naoya Zenin,Ogi Zenin,Naoya Zenin