“Demon Slayer” is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge. The series consists of 23 volumes and was serialized from 2016-2020 in Weekly Shonen Jump. The manga has been adapted into an anime by Ufotable and has gained widespread popularity among anime and manga fans alike. The anime has been released in two seasons so far, with a movie in between. The latest season, which aired from October 2021 to February 2022, follows the story of Tanjiro Kamado and his friends as they embark on a mission to help Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira, face off against the Upper Rank Six demons, Gyutaro and Daki.
The “Entertainment District” arc is a crucial part of the storyline and introduces several important plot points that will impact the future of the series. During this arc, Tanjiro learns more about his fighting style and his sister, Nezuko. The Demon Slayers are also faced with the reality of their work and how it will impact them moving forward. Additionally, the “Swordsmith Village” arc follows the aftermath of the second season and delves deeper into the consequences of the Demon Slayers’ battles.
In the second season, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke are recruited by Tengen Uzui to help him investigate a possible demon threat in the area. Tengen’s wives had been reporting to him about the presence of a demon, but when they stop sending letters, he decides to go to the location himself. Tanjiro and his friends are tasked with helping Tengen save his wives. However, in order to gain access to the Entertainment District where the demon is threatening the public, they must dress up as courtesans. While it is relatively easy for Tanjiro to find work, Tengen struggles with Zenitsu and Inosuke by his side until he eventually finds someone to give them positions. The group is then able to investigate the area and try to find Tengen’s wives and the demon’s whereabouts.
During their investigation, the Demon Slayers identify a famous courtesan, Daki, as a member of the 12 Kizuki. Tanjiro struggles to fight her alone, but with the help of Nezuko and Tengen, they are able to weaken her. However, things take a turn for the worse when Daki splits into two, revealing that she and her brother, Gyutaro, were melded together. The two siblings both hold the position of the Upper Six Demon, and the Demon Slayers have never come into contact with demons quite like this. To defeat them, Tengen, Tanjiro, and their friends must decapitate them both at the same time, making the battle a major challenge.
During the battle, Tanjiro utilizes his minimal knowledge of sun breathing techniques and combines it with what he has already perfected in the water breathing style. This combination proves to be strong but is not enough to defeat the enemies on its own. Nezuko also works hard to assist her brother and is stronger than ever before, but her demon side threatens to take over, causing Tanjiro to try and keep her at bay while also protecting others.
Tengen Uzui, who leads the battle, discovers the fate of the Demon Slayer Corps and learns that he can rely on their strength to succeed in killing the two demons. However, his care for his allies gets in the way, causing him to get extremely injured. Tengen ends up poisoned and loses an eye and hand during the battle against Daki and Gyutaro. Nezuko, the protagonist of the story, witnesses Tengen’s injuries and feels a deep sense of guilt for not being able to protect him. He begins to question his own abilities and starts to doubt if he’s capable of becoming a strong demon slayer.
Tengen, despite his injuries, refuses to give up and continues to fight until the very end. He teaches Zenitsu, one of the newer members of the Demon Slayer Corps, a valuable lesson about perseverance and the importance of never giving up in the face of adversity.
As the battle rages on, the demon siblings become increasingly desperate and resort to more brutal tactics to try and take down Tengen and the rest of the Demon Slayer Corps. It’s a brutal and intense fight, with both sides suffering heavy losses.
Despite the odds being stacked against them, Tengen and the Demon Slayer Corps refuse to give up. They fight with all their might and eventually manage to defeat Daki and Gyutaro. The demons are vanquished, and the Demon Slayer Corps emerges victorious.
Tengen, though weakened by his injuries, is hailed as a hero for his bravery and leadership during the battle. His dedication to his allies and unwavering determination to protect humanity serves as an inspiration to everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps.
As the dust settles and the sun rises on a new day, Zenitsu approaches Tengen and thanks him for everything he’s done. He promises to continue to fight alongside him and the rest of the Demon Slayer Corps, no matter what challenges they may face in the future.
Tengen smiles and nods, proud of the young demon slayer’s growth and determination. He knows that the fight against demons will never truly be over, but with allies like Zenitsu by his side, he’s confident that they can face whatever comes their way.
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Yoriichi, Muzan, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Nezuko, Tanjiro, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba