8 intriguing supporting characters in Attack on Titan anime

“Attack on Titan” is an anime and manga series that has taken the world by storm. The story is set in a world where humans live in constant fear of Titans, massive humanoid creatures that devour humans for no apparent reason. The series follows the story of Eren Yeager, a young man who becomes determined to destroy the Titans and avenge the death of his mother.

While Eren is the central protagonist of the story, the series has many other characters that play a significant role in the narrative. In fact, some of the most interesting and compelling characters in “Attack on Titan” are actually the side characters.

One of the most interesting side characters in the series is Levi Ackerman. He is the captain of the Survey Corps Special Operations Squad and is widely regarded as the strongest soldier in the group. He is known for his incredible speed and skill in battle, as well as his unflinching dedication to the cause of defeating the Titans.

Another interesting character is Sasha Braus, also known as “Potato Girl.” She is a member of the Survey Corps and is known for her love of food, particularly potatoes. Despite her humorous personality, Sasha is an excellent fighter and has proven herself to be a valuable asset to the group.

Connie Springer is another intriguing side character. He is a member of the Survey Corps and is known for his upbeat personality and sense of humor. Despite his initially lighthearted demeanor, Connie is fiercely loyal to his friends and is willing to risk everything to protect them.

Hange Zoe is a researcher who works for the Survey Corps. She is known for her eccentric personality and her intense curiosity about the Titans. Despite her unorthodox methods, Hange has made significant contributions to the fight against the Titans.

Ymir is a former member of the Survey Corps who was later revealed to be a Titan shifter. She is a complex character who is motivated by her desire for freedom and a better life for herself and those around her.

Historia Reiss is another character who plays an important role in the series. She is the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman and is initially seen as weak and fragile. However, over the course of the series, she proves herself to be a strong and capable leader.

Finally, there is Reiner Braun, a member of the Scout Regiment who is revealed to be a Titan shifter. He is a complex character who struggles with his own identity and his loyalties to both the Titans and the humans.

Overall, “Attack on Titan” is a rich and complex story with many interesting characters. The side characters in particular add depth and nuance to the narrative, and their stories are just as compelling as those of the main characters.

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