Hideaki Sorachi’s manga series, Gintama, began serialization in December 2003, and quickly gained popularity among anime and manga fans with its unique blend of quirky humor, fantastic action, and an endless stream of pop culture references. The series follows the story of Sakata Gintoki and his companions as they navigate an extraterrestrial invasion of feudal Japan’s Edo period.
Over the years, Gintama grew into a global phenomenon, spawning several anime and video game adaptations. However, the beloved manga series ended its serialization in 2019 after a memorable journey of 704 chapters. Fans of the series will be saddened to learn that their favorite series has sung its final song.
The Gintama manga has 77 volumes in total, with the last issue arriving on October 4, 2019. The manga series came to a fitting conclusion with its last arc, the 17-chapter Silver Soul arc, which was a compelling and emotional journey. The arc began four years after the conclusion of the prior Rokoyou Decisive Battle arc, with the Odd Jobs team engaged in combat with Neo-Amanto.
The characters in the final arc confront their pasts and consider their futures, making it an emotionally charged plot point. The events of the arc had a particular impact on Gintoki, pushing him to face his demons and make difficult choices. As Neo-Amanto takes over Edo, the Yorozuya fight valiantly to save their home and the people they cherish.
The final manga chapter comes to an emotional close with a farewell to its admirers, concluding with a satisfying ending that is bittersweet, leaving a lasting impression on its readers. Even after the main series has concluded, several spin-off manga and light novel adaptations have been published. One such spin-off is Gintama: Monster Strike-hen, which places the characters in the setting of the mobile game called Monster Strike.
Despite the conclusion of the original manga, the series is still far from finished. An anime spin-off is now in development, the news of which was announced on March 19, 2023, during the Ato No Matsuri celebration held at the Ryogoku Kokugikan National Sumo Arena. This spin-off will provide fans with an opportunity to return to the world of Gintama and experience the unique blend of humor, action, and sentimentality that made the original series so beloved.
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