The Naruto anime franchise, which includes multiple television anime, anime films, and original video anime, recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. To mark the occasion, the official website for the franchise announced that the Naruto television anime would be airing four “brand-new” episodes starting in September. The Naruto television anime originally debuted in October 2002, and fans have been eagerly waiting for new content ever since its end in 2007.
In addition to the new episodes, selected earlier episodes of the Naruto anime will also rerun in Japan beginning in July, giving fans a chance to relive some of their favorite moments from the series. To help fans catch up on the entire 20 years of Naruto anime history, Studio Pierrot began streaming a “Road of Naruto” video in October that condenses the entire history of the franchise into just 10 minutes. The video even features brand new animation footage.
While the Naruto television anime ended in 2007, the franchise has continued with the Naruto Shippūden anime sequel series, which premiered in 2007 and ended in 2017. The franchise also includes the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations sequel manga, which was launched by Ukyō Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto in Weekly Shonen Jump in May 2016. The manga transferred to Shueisha’s V Jump magazine in July 2019, and Masashi Kishimoto, the original author of the Naruto manga, took over as writer of the manga in November 2020.
The Boruto: Naruto Next Generations television anime premiered in April 2017, picking up where the Naruto Shippūden anime left off. Viz Media is simulcasting the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations series on Hulu as it airs in Japan, and Crunchyroll is also streaming the anime. The anime began airing on Adult Swim’s Toonami block in September 2018, bringing the franchise to a wider audience. Viz Media is releasing the anime on home video, and a Part II has been green-lit for production. Overall, the Naruto franchise has become a cultural phenomenon, beloved by fans around the world for its engaging characters, thrilling action, and compelling storylines.
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Madara, Sasuke, Shisui, Itachi, Sarada, Obito, Tobi