Naruto, a popular manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto, was adapted into an anime by Studio Pierrot and premiered in October 2002. The series quickly became a sensation and was considered one of the “Big Three” alongside Bleach and One Piece, which were the most popular and longest-running shonen series of the time. Naruto’s success continued for 20 years and led to the creation of various merchandise, including films, light novels, and games.
To celebrate the franchise’s 20th anniversary, Studio Pierrot is releasing four new episodes of the original Naruto anime series. Although the milestone was already celebrated a few months ago, the studio is not done commemorating the series just yet. The new episodes are set to premiere in September and will follow a selection of episodes that will re-air in Japan during the summer. While there are no details yet about the content of the new episodes, fans are eagerly anticipating what the studio has in store for them.
In addition to the new episodes, Studio Pierrot also revealed that Boruto Part I has wrapped up production and will end with its 293rd episode on March 26. Boruto is a sequel series to Naruto and features the next generation of ninjas. While it has a solid fanbase, it has yet to reach the same level of success as its predecessor. However, the franchise has already spawned a few light novels and video games, and a movie that acted as a semi-backdoor pilot ahead of the Boruto anime’s release in 2017.
If you’re excited about the new Naruto episodes, you can catch up on all the original episodes on streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll and Hulu. With plenty of time to refresh your memories, you can relive the adventures of Naruto and his friends before the new episodes arrive in the fall.
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