Demon Slayer began as a manga created by Koyoharu Gotoge that was published in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2016 until 2020, and it consisted of 205 chapters collected in 23 volumes. The popularity of the series led to its anime adaptation by the animation studio Ufotable in 2019. The first season comprised of 26 episodes and was followed by the release of the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Mugen Train movie in 2020, which was a huge success in Japan and internationally.
The second season of Demon Slayer started airing in October 2021, with the Mugen Train arc being adapted into a seven-episode TV version that included a special first episode not seen in the movie. The Entertainment District Arc followed, featuring the introduction of a new Hashira named Tengen Uzui. Currently, the third season of Demon Slayer is ongoing, and although Inosuke is not a main character in this arc, he did appear in the first episode, voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka. Despite this, the series remains incredibly popular among fans and continues to capture the attention of audiences around the world.
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Tengen, Kanao, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya