In the aftermath of the attack by Gyutaro and Daki, Tanjiro and Nezuko search for their friends while Tengen recovers from his injuries with the help of Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru. Nezuko’s demonology continues to develop and her blood demon art is both a deadly weapon and a nourishing cure for the poison in Tanjiro and his friends’ systems. Tengen is frustrated by his wives’ arguing while trying to say what he believes are his last words. Nezuko’s cuteness is highlighted when she gives Tanjiro a piggyback ride in her small form. Daki and Gyutaro spend their last moments fighting with each other. Tanjiro shows empathy towards them and covers Gyutaro’s mouth to prevent him from saying something hurtful to Daki. As their end approaches, Daki and Gyutaro reflect on their past and upbringing.
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Yoriichi, Kokushibo, Tanjiro, Muzan, Tomioka, Kocho