In 2020, fans of the Digimon franchise were overjoyed when it was announced that the classic series, Digimon Adventure, would be receiving a reboot with modern animation, retelling the story of the Digi-Destined. Although the reboot received immediate attention and acclaim upon its premiere in April of that year, it took a few years for the English dubbed version to be released. Now, after three long years, fans can finally indulge in the 67-episode series, as the dubbed version is now available for purchase through the Microsoft Store. The original Japanese voice cast was brought back for the reboot, with Masako Nozawa joining the cast as the newest narrator. The English voice cast was announced last year and includes notable actors such as Zeno Robinson from My Hero Academia and Benjamin Diskin from Team Hot Wheels. For fans of the series, the release of the dubbed Digimon Adventure is a nostalgic and comforting experience, taking them back to the carefree days of their childhood when they watched the young and chosen Digi-Destined fight evil with their morphing Digimon companions. As the Digimon franchise continues to thrive with new releases and projects, the rebooted series brings back memories and joy for long-time fans, reminding them of the timeless appeal of the Digimon world.
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Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, Rokuta, Sumiyoshi, Sabito