My Hero Academia has been a popular anime series since its first season aired in 2016, and it continues to capture the attention of viewers around the world. The anime follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without a superpower in a world where having special abilities, or quirks, is the norm. Despite the odds, Izuku is determined to become a hero like his idol All Might and joins a school for aspiring heroes.
Season 6 of My Hero Academia has been airing since October 2022, and fans are eagerly anticipating the release of episode 12, which will be the 125th episode of the series. The show has been performing well on MyAnimeList’s ongoing rankings, though it has dropped to seventh place in the Fall slate. Despite this, the story continues to be exciting, with the fight against Gigantomachia and Dabi reaching a thrilling conclusion in the previous episode.
Fans are wondering when they can expect to see episode 12 of season 6 on Crunchyroll. While the official release time may vary depending on your location, it is expected to air on October 30, 2023. As for the preview story caption, it is titled ‘Threads of Hope,’ but there has been no official word on what the episode will entail.
In addition to the anime, My Hero Academia has also had success as a manga series, with over 65 million copies in circulation worldwide as of January 2022. The franchise has also spawned several spin-off manga, as well as three animated films. With the announcement of a live-action adaptation in development at Netflix, the future looks bright for My Hero Academia and its dedicated fanbase.
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Shoji, Jiro, Sero, Fumikage, Shoto, Toru