On October 3, 2022, the popular anime franchise, Naruto, will be celebrating its 20th anniversary since the premiere of the first TV anime episode in Japan. The franchise has continued to thrive over the years with its latest installment, BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS, which follows the story of Naruto’s son. To commemorate this milestone, the anime team has released three new visuals that capture the essence of Naruto’s life and struggles in coming to terms with himself and his friends.
In addition to the new visuals, the official Naruto website has also been launched, which will serve as a hub for the franchise, providing fans with official news and exclusive images from the creators. The website is available in six different languages, including Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish, to cater to fans from different parts of the world.
The Naruto franchise began as a manga by Masashi Kishimoto, which ran from September 21, 1999, to November 10, 2014, in Weekly Shonen Jump. It inspired two anime series that are currently streaming on Crunchyroll. The sequel series, BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS, was launched in May 2016, by illustrator Mikio Ikemoto and writer Ukyo Kodachi, with Kishimoto taking back writing duties in November 2020.
Despite its long run, the Naruto franchise continues to captivate audiences with its well-developed characters, themes of friendship, perseverance, and redemption, and the ever-evolving ninja world it is set in. The anniversary celebrations and the release of new visuals and website are a testament to the franchise’s enduring popularity and success.
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