Fans of the popular manga and anime series One Piece have been eagerly awaiting the release of chapter 1080 after the exciting events of chapter 1079. The last chapter saw Shanks and Kid finally coming face to face and settling their long-standing history. However, the story is far from over, and there are still many unresolved conflicts to be addressed, such as the matter of the traitor Vegapunk, the ongoing fight between Law and Blackbeard, and the mysterious event that will “change the world.”
To the disappointment of fans, One Piece will be taking a break before the release of chapter 1080. However, the series will be back in April to continue the story and resolve these remaining plot points. Author Eiichiro Oda will be taking a few days off before returning to work on the next chapter.
For fans who are eager to catch up on the series, Manga Plus is an excellent resource. Manga Plus is an initiative of Shueisha, the publisher responsible for some of the most prestigious magazines in the world of manga, such as Weekly Shonen Jump and V Jump. Manga Plus publishes many of our favorite shonen series, including One Piece, Dragon Ball, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, and Boruto.
On the Manga Plus website, readers can access the first three chapters of all of the series published by Shueisha for free. Additionally, the website regularly updates the last three chapters of each series, allowing fans to stay up to date on the latest developments. This service is essential for readers who want to catch up on One Piece before the release of chapter 1080. The last three chapters currently available on the Manga Plus website are issues 1077 (Should Have Noticed Sooner), 1078 (Escape Limit), and 1079 (The Emperor’s Crew, the Red-Haired Pirates).
We bring out some of the most well-known One Piece collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the One Piece collection!
Shanks, Luffy, Dadan, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, King, Queen, Kaido